Friday 28 December 2018

Digispark#1 : Interfacing Digispark With LCD 16x2

Digispark #1:

 Interfacing Digispark With LCD 16x2

                 In the previous post, we have seen the introduction to Digispark and make a simple led blink project. This time we will use the Digispark to interface with 16x2 LCD display. Since the number of a pin on Digispark is limited, we will use the i2C protocol to connect with the LCD. The item we will use is as shown below.


Saturday 22 December 2018

Introduction To Digispark USB Development Board

Digispark USB Development Board

                  Hi there... :-) Today we will look into the Digispark USB Development Board. This board was first introduced in Kickstarter by Erik Kettenburg You may view for more details of the product in their official page. 

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Product Review : Knob Potentiometer

     In the market, there any many types of potentiometer.  For a different application, we use different types of the potentiometer. Today we will look into the preset potentiometer with a knob. I like this the most because you don't need any tools to change the resistance. We make barely use our finger to change its value. Theoretically, the function of this potentiometer is the same as other potentiometers. The image below is the illustration of the potentiometer. 

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Arduino Tutorial #6: Introduction To Arduino Using Matlab Simulink

Arduino Tutorial #6: Introduction To Arduino Using Matlab Simulink

                  In this tutorial, I would like to introduce you to the Arduino using the Matlab Simulink. Previously we have seen how to program an Arduino using the IDE. The process is pretty much the same, but the methods are different. The first thing you need to to do is to install the Matlab. 

Thursday 22 November 2018

Arduino Tutorial #5: Introduction To Fritzing

Arduino Tutorial #5: Introduction To Fritzing

                  In this tutorial, I would like to introduce you to the Fritzing software. What is Fritzing is all about? Fritzing is an open source initiative to develop amateur or hobby CAD software for the design of electronic hardware, to support designers and artists ready to move from experimenting with prototyping to building a more permanent circuit. 

Friday 26 October 2018

Arduino Tutorial #4: RGB LED

Arduino Tutorial #4: RGB LED

                 In this tutorial, we will look into how to control the RGB LED. First, let us look at the theoretical of the RGB LED. But before that, I would like to demonstrate how it will look when you test the LED with Arduino.

Friday 5 October 2018

Arduino Tutorial #3 : UnoArduSim - LED

Arduino Tutorial #3 : UnoArduSim - LED 

                 In this post, we will look into the detail of the Arduino. The most commonly used Arduino is the Arduino Uno. You may choose other Arduino version as well, but for our learning purpose, we will be referring to the Arduino Uno.
               The first Arduino was developed ten years ago by the Interaction Design Institute of Ivera, based near the Italian city of Turin. The initial aim of this project is to provide to students with a simple yet powerful tool to create or developed interactive systems. The members of the Arduino include the Uno, Leonardo, Mega, Nano and Micro. On top of that. there are many another clone type of Arduino which cost less than $10.  
                  When you buy an Arduino Uno, it comes with all the item that you need to start to program it. You can power up the Arduino either by the USB or through the DC jack. The type of USB cable used is a standard A-to-B USB cable. The below table shows the technical specification for the Arduino Uno.

Table 1.0  Arduino Uno Specifications

Monday 24 September 2018

Arduino Simulator : UnoArduSim

In this tutorial, we will look at the readily available simulator for Arduino. There are a lot of simulators available in the market. Some need to be purchased and some are freeware, which means you can use it for free. Today we will look at the ArduUnoSim, which is a free simulator for Arduino.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

New Intro Video of Electrosoft

It has been a while since i write up anything on this blog. This time i will share a short video which i made for the introduction of my tutorial video. Feel free to watch it and write up your comments...Thank you... 

Tuesday 10 July 2018


In this post, we will look into the recently launched product by Cytron Technologies. That is the MAKER UNO. This board is an arduino uno compatible board which was launched through the Kickstarter. 

Monday 25 June 2018

Arduino Tutorial #2

Arduino Introduction #2

In this post , we will look into the different type of board available in the market. There are alot of board available in the market. Each board may suit differently, depending on the project we are working on. Below are images of some of the board. 
















Friday 22 June 2018


Arduino Introduction #1

In this post , we will look into what is Arduino all about and a little bit on its history. What is Arduino is all about? Arduino is an open source hardware. The hardware reference design are distrubuted under Creative Commons Attribuiton. Altough the hardware and software designs are freely available under copyleft licenses, the developers have requeted the name Arduino to be exclusive to the official product and not to be used for derived works without permission. 

Most Arduino boards consist of an Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontroller (ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, ATmega2560) with varying amounts of flash memory, pins, and features. The 32-bit Arduino Due, based on the Atmel SAM3X8E was introduced in 2012.

Arduino microcontrollers are pre-programmed with a bootloader that simplifies uploading of programs to the on-chip flash memory. The default bootloader of the Arduino UNO is the optiboot bootloader. Boards are loaded with program code via a serial connection to another computer. Some serial Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit to convert between RS-232 logic levels and transistor-transistor logic(TTL) level signals. Current Arduino boards are programmed via Universal Serial Bus(USB), implemented using USB-to-serial adapter chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as later-model Uno boards, substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip containing USB-to-serial firmware, which is reprogrammable via its own ICSP header. Other variants, such as the Arduino Mini and the unofficial Boarduino, use a detachable USB-to-serial adapter board or cable, Bluetooth or other methods. When used with traditional microcontroller tools, instead of the Arduino IDE, standard AVR in-system-programming (ISP) programming is used.

Many Arduino-compatible and Arduino-derived boards exist. Some are functionally equivalent to an Arduino and can be used interchangeably. Many enhance the basic Arduino by adding output drivers, often for use in school-level education, to simplify making buggies and small robots. Others are electrically equivalent but change the form factor, sometimes retaining compatibility with shields, sometimes not. Some variants use different processors, of varying compatibility.