Friday 5 October 2018

Arduino Tutorial #3 : UnoArduSim - LED

Arduino Tutorial #3 : UnoArduSim - LED 

                 In this post, we will look into the detail of the Arduino. The most commonly used Arduino is the Arduino Uno. You may choose other Arduino version as well, but for our learning purpose, we will be referring to the Arduino Uno.
               The first Arduino was developed ten years ago by the Interaction Design Institute of Ivera, based near the Italian city of Turin. The initial aim of this project is to provide to students with a simple yet powerful tool to create or developed interactive systems. The members of the Arduino include the Uno, Leonardo, Mega, Nano and Micro. On top of that. there are many another clone type of Arduino which cost less than $10.  
                  When you buy an Arduino Uno, it comes with all the item that you need to start to program it. You can power up the Arduino either by the USB or through the DC jack. The type of USB cable used is a standard A-to-B USB cable. The below table shows the technical specification for the Arduino Uno.

Table 1.0  Arduino Uno Specifications

The Arduino can be downloaded from the official page. Once you have downloaded, install them in your system. The installation process is pretty much straightforward. Once done with the installation, open the Arduino IDE. The IDE will look something like the one shown below.

Once the arduino IDE is open, go to the tools --> Board and Choose Arduino Uno. The step is shown below

Once this is completed, we will try to make a simple code to blink a LED. 

Now we have the code ready. The next step is to set up the simulator. In the previous post, I have shown how to run the simulator. Hence, we will try to run our code using the UnoArduSim. Once the UnoArduSim is open we can upload the.INO file to the simulator and try to execute it. The below video illustrate the steps.

What the program will be doing is that, it will blink. It will ON for 1 sec and OFF for another 1 sec. If this work, congratulations. Next we will try to control few more LEDS. The code is as shown in below window.

This time we will control 4 LED's through pin 13, pin 12, pin 11 and pin 10 respectively. Hence the UnoArduSim, need to be configured as shown in the figure below.

Once the settings, try to import the .INO file and execute it. The output should be something like shown below.

That's all for now. In the next tutorial, we will look into more control of the LED.

Thank you.

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