Wednesday 5 September 2018

Product Review : Desoldering Pump

Desoldering Pump

Last week I bought a desoldering pump from element14. The shipping took less than one week to arrive and it cost around RM 32.00. The manufacturer of this product is Duratool. This is the first time I am buying a product of this kind. Previously I used to use a pump and a soldering iron to desolder a component. By using this method it will take a while to get the job done. Sometimes it can get messy when you want to desolder an array of a pin from the printed circuit board.

Below are detail picture of the product.

 I must say, by using this desoldering pump from Duratool, it is much more easier and efficient to get the desoldering job done. The desoldering pump gets heated pretty fast. in the manual it is mentioned, to wait about 10 minutes before using it, but it gets heated in less than 10 minutes. In order to put this product under test, i try to desolder 7-segment from a PCB. 

In order to desolder the 7-segment, it took me less than 5 minutes to desolder the item. The picture below is after I desolder the 7-segment.

I would surely recommend this product to anyone who is interested to desolder an electronic component. You may click on the link below to purchase the item from element14

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