Monday 11 February 2019

Product Review : Servo Motor SG90

                    In our previous post, we have seen the simulation on how we can control the servo motor. Today we have a chance to test the actual servo motor. The servo motor that we will use is Tower Pro SG90. Basically, the SG90 servo motor is a low-cost plastic gear RC servo with torque (kg-cm) of 2.5. 

Thursday 7 February 2019

Arduino Tutorial #10 : MakerUno - Making Tone

Arduino Tutorial #10:

MakerUno - Making Tone


          In our previous post, we have a look into controlling the onboard led. Today, we shall look into how we can make tone using the onboard piezo buzzer. For simple theory, the positive pin of the piezo buzzer is connected to Pin 8 and the ground pin is connected to the Ground. The image below illustrates the connection.