Monday 21 January 2019

Arduino Tutorial #9 : MakerUno - Read Analog Value

Arduino Tutorial #9:

MakerUno - Read Analog Value


Arduino Tutorial #8 : MakerUno - Simple LED

Arduino Tutorial #8:

MakerUno - Simple LED 


          In our earlier post, we have a look into the MakerUno. Today we shall look into programming the board. Basically, the concept is similar to Arduino Uno, the thing which is different is their built-in led, buzzer and push button. In our post today, we shall look into controlling the built-in led on the MakerUno board.
           The onboard LEDs are connected to the digital pin starting from Pin 2 to Pin 13. To turn on these LEDs, it can be simply done by giving output high to each of the pins. For the first part, we shall make a simple led blinking program, followed by more complicated controlling methods.

Friday 11 January 2019

Arduino Tutorial #7 : UnoArduSim - SERVO Motor

Arduino Tutorial #7:

UnoArduSim - SERVO Motor 


          Previously we have look at using UnoArduSim to control an LED. Today we will look at how we can control the servo motor by using the UnoArduSim simulation tool. But before that, let's look at the theory of servo motor. 

Unboxing The CNC3020T


                  This time we will look into a milling machine. To be specific the model which we are looking at is the CNC3020T. This machine is manufactured in China and cost around $500 USD. The machine is capable of doing engraving. This machine is useful for industrial, research, education and hobbyist purpose. 

Friday 4 January 2019

Digispark#2 : Interfacing Digispark With Temperature Sensor LM35

Digispark #2:

 Interfacing Digispark With Temperature Sensor LM35

                 In our previous post, we look on how to interface the Digispark with LCD 16x2. Today we will look at how we can interface the temperature sensor LM35 with Digispark. For this, we will need to have the LM35  temperature sensor, Digispark and the LCD. Before going further let's look at LM35.