Friday 28 December 2018

Digispark#1 : Interfacing Digispark With LCD 16x2

Digispark #1:

 Interfacing Digispark With LCD 16x2

                 In the previous post, we have seen the introduction to Digispark and make a simple led blink project. This time we will use the Digispark to interface with 16x2 LCD display. Since the number of a pin on Digispark is limited, we will use the i2C protocol to connect with the LCD. The item we will use is as shown below.


Saturday 22 December 2018

Introduction To Digispark USB Development Board

Digispark USB Development Board

                  Hi there... :-) Today we will look into the Digispark USB Development Board. This board was first introduced in Kickstarter by Erik Kettenburg You may view for more details of the product in their official page. 

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Product Review : Knob Potentiometer

     In the market, there any many types of potentiometer.  For a different application, we use different types of the potentiometer. Today we will look into the preset potentiometer with a knob. I like this the most because you don't need any tools to change the resistance. We make barely use our finger to change its value. Theoretically, the function of this potentiometer is the same as other potentiometers. The image below is the illustration of the potentiometer.